Thursday, 27 December 2012

Something That Is Shiny

Right so today saw the first day back at work after the Christmas festivities, and boy was it mental and awesome all in one. However though battered bruised and slightly more conscious of how accident prone and clumsy I am, I am here blogging some more with a little help from some friends.

So I feel that I need to type this with some form of agenda to try and help me keep on track or knowing my luck I will easily derail onto the next shiny thing in my mind. So first of all I'm going to talk about what I am aiming for with this project.

So it's not a point limit I'm aiming for but more just a huge model count. Before you think otherwise, NO, it's not for apocalypse gaming. It's for a collection. I know to some people that sounds crazy but it's right at the heart of what makes the hobby for me. Without that choice of what i get to have in my collection, whether it be from how the model looks, how it does in game or just because it's something someone has suggested for me. That is the start, and i suppose that is what i was trying to touch on in my first blog about the Stormtalon. But what I hope to achieve is enough awesome models that I can use in many different ways from showing my collection off to playing it using any Codex I feel like using at that time.

At the moment I am using the Codex: Space Marines. This is not only so I can show my love for Thunderfire Cannons and my Stormtalon but because with 6th Edition still fairly new, my play style is constantly adapting and finding that is the aspect of gaming I enjoy, which coupled with my love for this army and it's models, seems like a match made in heaven.


So that's about why I'm doing it now I think it might be time to talk about a few people that are also doing blogs, that not only inspired me to keep going with army but suggest this medium to push myself to painting this mammoth task.
So first on the list is Jim Allan, A friend of not to long, however we sure have made some funny history together. He is currently working on some Deamons and Choas Space Marines (Not necessarily in that order) with a Slaanesh colour scheme.


Secondly there is Ben Kelly. Crazy lunatic, Painter, Store Manager, Work Colleague, Friend. So Ben works in the Epsom Games Workshop and we get to meet up on a regular basis to talk about hobby and other general chit chat and he has been doing his blog for a long time now and it's got some really cool mini's on so check him out as well.


There are also others of course in my life who I game, Paint and generally mess around with however at current they are working on personal projects and don't need the aid of a blog to push themselves. And they will inevitably be mentioned here at some point.

So with a little more explained now I feel that if anyone does come by this from twitter, friends or whatnot you have a better understanding of what I'm doing and why. And if you don't but you do want to know more then just post a comment or tweet me ... ( God that felt weird to type and to say in my head) I will try and answer anything.

So the pictures above are of the models I worked on a bit yesterday and with some luck there will be more progress made on them tomorrow. So enjoy and until next time.

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