I suppose this is where this blog come in, this is going to be a record to show that I am still painting and that although I've become busy with a lot of my time I can still relax and enjoy the use of my free time. This and the fact I've been told that i should create a blog to document the progress of my army painting and use it as a tool to make me paint.
This is where the Firehawks come in. This is the chapter I have chosen to paint and it all started with one model. The Stormtalon.
As the above picture suggests this is the result. Now the actual Stormtalon is no where near completion however I loved every second of painting this cockpit. When it first came to the shelves I did what everyone did, instantly judged it by the photos that were in the White Dwarf and from that moment I liked it however wasn't convinced. It wasn't actually until I made a store version that I fell in love with it. Simplicity and the amount of detail in hidden places made me think i could really make this look awesome. BUT I just needed the right colour scheme. This is where the Firehawks come in. When reading over my copy of Badab War, I noticed the Firehawks Chapter symbol and instantly wanted to do them. I've always liked Phoenix's and used to have plans to get a really cool looking tattoo based on one for years, so in my mind that somehow made sense to get painting.
So without further ado. Whether by chance or some warp fiend has lead you here, welcome to this poorly though out, badly written, grammatically incorrect and somewhat unusual painting blog.
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